February 8, 2025
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Welcome to the Raleigh-Durham Caged Bird Society (RDCBS)
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Monthly Meeting Notice

January Meeting

All about Chickens

Sunday January 19th

2:30 PM

Location: Jaycee Park

Please join us on Sunday January 19th at 2:30 PM for our first meeting of the New Year. This month our presentation will be about chickens. Long time member Christina Marquis will talk to us about her experiences raising chickens and ducks over the last 15 years. 

Some of the topics she will cover are: 

• The origin of Chickens
• Other uses for Chickens other than for food and eggs
• Where to buy live Chickens.
• Chicken Nutrition
• What is involved in keeping a backyard chicken coop.

In addition, Christina will be bringing a number of different chicken species for us to see up close.

Note: Please do not bring your pet birds to this meeting. 
For some time, it has been recognized as a best practice to keep pet birds from direct contact with poultry.



The RDCBS membership is comprised of over 100 families and individuals from around the triangle area, including pet bird owners, bird breeders, pet store owners and employees, and veterinarians and their assistants and students. The primary purposes of the RDCBS are to educate club members and members of the general public about the care and breeding of caged birds and about larger avicultural concerns.
We encourage you to register on the site. This registration will allow you to receive important alerts about avian issues, club activities, and gain increased access to our web content. The registration is free and your information will never be shared with others. If you are a paid member of RDCBS your registration can allow you to access "members only" areas of the site. Click here for more info on member access.
Thank you for visiting us.

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